The effective means for treatment of prostatitis

To overcome the inflammatory process that is the prostatitis, it is important for the application of these two methods:

  1. Drugs for anti-bacterial.
  2. The Anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Immunostimulants.
  4. The treatment of prostatitis
  5. In the course of the therapy.
  6. The care and use of tools of medicine for the people.
  7. The application of the anti-depressants and most effective sedatives.

An integrated treatment of the prostatitis to get rid of all of the possible reasons of the occurrence of the disease or the factors that may contribute to its development.

The medical treatment includes the use of agents with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. If the blood has on the character, and the patient is assigned to a course of antibiotics. Depending on the choice of anti-bacterial, the same tool is used to determine the degree of sensitivity of the microorganisms to the medication.

Today, urologists will often recommend it to their patients and macrolite. These modern-day substances, it can penetrate into the tissue of the affected organ. Its distinguishing feature is the lack of interaction with the bacterial flora of the gut and the toxic impact on the body. The deadline for application is 10 days. Agents, anti-bacterial, used in chronic prostatitis.

Anti-inflammatory medication technique, treatment of prostatitis involves the use of medications that can cause the spread of inflammation in the body. The efficiency with suppositories, they give place to the analgesic effect.

Physical therapy helps to:

  1. To improve the flow of lymph fluid.
  2. The stimulation of the process of circulation.
  3. The recovery of the metabolism in the gland.

Physical therapy are subject to the same procedures:

  • Plating it with the help of an electric current.
  • The electro-stimulation.
  • UHF-therapy.
  • The magnetic therapy with the use of the different types of magnetic fields.

The therapy is applied at a chronic prostatitis.

The most common types of media used in the

Taking into account the state of the body, a urologist may recommend one of the following types of products:

  1. The candles, which are introduced into the body rectally to stimulate the body's metabolism.
  2. It's a very fast and efficient penetration of the drug into the blood is ensured by means of injections.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, do not give it to develop in the inflammatory process.
  4. Infusion. When you do this, the doctors themselves, to provide the correct medication in the right place.
  5. Micro-enema – proven folk remedy. To do so, apply warm, in the broth of herbs for the best treatment. The Micro-enema is placed to it before going to sleep, hypothermia, and excessive stress on the prostate gland following the procedure, it is not allowed.
  6. The shells have a very wide range of impacts, many of the times, they are agents with anti-bacterial. This is especially true in situations where the cause of the disease cannot yet be determined.
  7. The pain killers make it much easier for the lives of the people. But before you apply it is a must in order to clarify the dosage of medication.
  8. Alpha-blockers can slow down the work of the alpha-adrenergic receptors in the body.
  9. A similar effect have the muscle relaxers, just that they are operating in the perineal area, which is for the prostatitis to keep in good shape. The impact on the pelvic area, significant deterioration, and it reduces the pain.
  10. Medications to increase the circulation of the blood, is relevant when any kind of disease, and aid in the recovery of the tissues in the problematic of the body. This is the reason for the extensive treatment that requires the application of a medication, stimulating the circulatory process of the blood.

All drugs have certain unique characteristics, and are recommended for implementation in the far of the all the different categories of patients. The higher the efficiency it has on the drug that the doctor selects the patient individually.